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Every weekend, I rise at7 a.m. to get on the subway to hunt for apartments. The cheapest two-bedroom

homes in the suburbs ofShanghai cost $200,000 or more, which would take me more than 12 years to payoff

if I don’t spend a dime ofwhat I make.



This is the reality ofChina’sboom. After decades of explosive growth, the cost of living in China’s big cities

has skyrocketed, andmany young people have been priced out of the housing market.


People in the West tendto think the Chinese are taking over the world; the reality is

young people herestruggle to make ends meet. Putting food on the table and having a shelter

are still their biggestconcerns. I’m27, with a graduate degree in journalism and a good job in my field,

and I’m worried aboutthese basics.




No Home, No Honey

Owning a home is evenmore important in China than in America. Homeownership is the main prerequisitefor single men looking for wives — property becoming a unifying forcethat binds two families together.



“A rough calculationreveals that every month after paying the mortgage and for food and otheressentials, I will have a little more than $100 left. A crowded bus ride to theoffice now takes nearly two hours.

Mothers-in-law wanttheir daughters to have an easy life, making single male homeowners thepreferred choice of a mate. But that’s not enough. In-laws demand thathomeownership certificates include their daughters’names— an insurance policy that entitles the wife tohalf the value of a property if a couple divorces.


A growing income gap andrampant materialism have driven many young women to openly focus on findingrich husbands. Some who do agree to marry poorer guys are reluctant to sharethe burden of paying off debts.

Businesslike as it maysound, the family negotiations before marriage are to a great extent likepreparations for a business transaction. This is true of many Chinese families,mine included.


This age-old practice issuffocating many young men in China. Buying property is the talk of the nation,just as it was in the U.S. before the bubble burst a number of years ago.Except it is much harder here. Statistics show on average it takes families inShanghai 28 years to pay off an apartment, in a city where prices compare withbig American cities but incomes are far lower.


Not A Supply Problem

After seeing a lot ofreal estate during my three months of house hunting, it seems to me that thehigh prices aren’ta result of demand outstripping supply but the result of a policy failure.Block after block of apartments in suburban Shanghai sits empty. It’s more obvious at night, when few lights in those buildings are on.

Apartments in Shanghaicost as much as they do in major American cities — but incomes are much lower.


The popular Chinesemagazine Caijing recently reported that a survey done by the Beijing policelast year indicated that of the 12.3 million apartments in the city, 3.8million were vacant. That’s a vacancy rate of 29 percent.


With limited investmentoptions, companies and the rich have poured money into the real estate market.They are willing to let property sit empty so it can fetch a good price — in the belief thatincomes and demand will eventually catch up.

A commentary in thePeople’sDaily, the Communist Party’s main newspaper, recentlyasked why so many young people suddenly feel so old. A subsequent survey byBeijing News showed 86 percent of respondents cite high housing prices as themajor source of pressure in their lives. This frustration is widely shared. I’ve started losing sleep since I began house hunting.

What A “Bargain”



To find a cheaper home,I focused on the areas at the end of each subway line. The search for a goodprice pushed me so far out, I came within a few miles of the next province.After months of painstaking online searches and visits, I settled on an860-square-foot, two-bedroom apartment that costs $208,000. That price tag isso big that it felt like a boulder on my shoulder. However, in the currentmarket, this price really seems like a bargain.


The apartment was builtsix years ago; colorful fliers from small businesses cover the walls of thebuilding’shallways. It’s just the skeleton of a living space,really; rooms with walls and uneven bare concrete floor and not much else — no appliances, no wooden flooring or carpeting, no usable toileteven.


‘Lightning Divorces’ Strike China’s ‘MeGeneration’

To modestly outfit theplace will require an additional $40,000. A rough calculation reveals thatevery month after paying the mortgage and for food and other essentials, I willhave a little more than $100 left. A crowded bus ride to the office now takesnearly two hours.

A friend of mine, whomoved to Australia and now works in a factory making springs for pacemakers andhearing aids near Sydney, owns a house, a brand new Toyota SUV and has threekids. Our monthly income is almost the same. He drives 20 minutes to hisworkplace. Life in Australia seems much easier, although he does complain hehas no savings.


Things should getbetter. Thanks to Shanghai’s fast-expanding infrastructure, a new subway line isexpected to open by the end of this year. That would very likely cut mycommuting time to 70 minutes.

My father comes from apoor farming village in western China. It has taken a few generations for myfamily to have a member able to live and work in what is arguably China’s premier megacity.To give my children a leg up, I plan to stay.


Zhuo Yang works in NPR’s Shanghai bureau.




The writer says that itwill take up to 27 years to pay off the apartment. Well, in the USA a 30 yearmortgage is standard, so I don’t see what’s so shocking aboutthat. Also, many people, especially if they buy a property in their 20′s, don’t have money left to save or spendfor fun things after paying their mortgage, food, cable, car payment, etc… This just sounds like life in the capitalistic system. Welcome to ourworld.


Rodney Burton ychick

He says it will take him12 years to pay off if he spends 100% of his salary on the home; his age is 27.That 12 doesn’tinclude the 40K to add a toilet and floors.

240K over 14 years andhe makes 17K a year. If he uses the rule of thumb of spending 25% of yoursalary on your mortgage, and the mortgage only accumulates a meagre 3%interest, the interest is still higher than what he pays.

SO, if he pages half ofall he makes on the mortgage, it will take over 65 years (again assuming only a3% rate).


Brandon Elliott ychick

at least here there isthe option to not do that. This guy is getting a bare bones lifestyle after ahuge expenditure.


Mark Kropf ychick • 2 days ago

The biggest differenceis that renting is not seen as culturally acceptable for single men. If themores of Chinese society are not to be forced to change- and I for one wouldnot see it as my function to dictate values to others abroad-single men in Chinaare at a substantial disadvantage to those here. Unless they have been ‘well healed’ they are bound to live in virtual penury with wives, if they caneven afford to marry.

The Chinese governmentmay find that such social expectations need to be ‘adjusted’ or the supply of apartments needs to be increased dramatically todrop costs and increase access.

In the latter case, theGovernment may need to address Chinese mortgage holders who have been made tobe in a situation analogous to those here who find themselves ‘under water’.

China has a problem herethat is not going to go away, is rather likely to only get worse and which maylead to greater discontent with the governance of the country.


Rodney Burton ychick

Also what many peoplehere seem to be forgetting when they say “sounds like the USA!” is that here we enter into large mortgages like that for greatapartments with good amenities inside good cities (not NY city proper, butgood), or we enter into mortgages like that for good houses in middle-classsuburbs/small towns.

In the USA we do NOTenter into life-crippling mortgage for a smallish apartment in an unfinishedbuilding with concrete floors, no toilet, and a two-hour commute from the citycenter!

This whole Chinese realestate bubble sounds to me like the inevitable result of the current generationof Chinese leaders having been raised in a China where any predictions of theirfuture that weren’t flamboyantly glorious led to imprisonment or death.Communism shrivels and crumbles in the harsh light of reality.


colt call ychick

There’s something I loveabout the mystery of China. People in big cities live in closet sizedapartments….while there are entire ghost cities inChina. And now China is not only building these entire uninhabited citiesaround China….they are building entire uninhabitedghost cities in Africa. Wow. What gives with that?


Why is Chinaconstructing large, well-designed “ghost cities”that are completely devoid of people?

Now, the BBC reports agiant new Chinese-built city has been spotted in Africa in the outskirts ofAngola’scapital Luanda.

Read more athttp://www.wnd.com/2012/07/biz



最近,BBC报道称,在非洲阿格拉首都罗安达的郊区发现了一个巨大的,中国人建的城市。详细报道请参阅 http://www.wnd.com/2012/07/biz…

Fan Yang colt call

people don’t go where flatsare, but where jobs are.


dan strayer colt call

The answer to yourquestion is that the money invested in these ghost cities appears to make theirGDP look larger that it really is, by many billions. Just another form offraud.



You missed the big (BIG)one in your listening and/or reading: He says it will take 27 years at 100% ofhis salary. In the US you typically get a 30 year mortgage from a reputablebank if your monthly mortgage payment equals to about 30% of your monthlyexpenses.


Rachel M Walls Guest

That was 12 years at100% of his salary… 27 years with having only $100 left on a monthly basisafter all bills/expenditures accounted for.


Trena Gravem

The love of money isruining lives and causing human misery everywhere.


Trena Graven……Send your money tome so that you can live more happily in poverty? Yeah, that’s the ticket. Send your money to me.Trena Graven……

把你的钱给我,这样你就可以愉快的生活在贫困之中了? 耶,这就是解决之道,把你的钱给我。

Trena Gravem colt call • 2 days agoHi Colt,you didn’t notice, I said the LOVE OF money IS ruininglives and causing human misery everywhere. Money is a necessary evil. But, manypeople put their faith in it, they depend utterly upon it, it is their toppriority to accumulate as much as possible of it, and this takes precedenceover their love of life. It DEFINES their pursuit of happiness. Money cannotbuy lasting, inner happiness of the sort which serves any purpose for eitherthe person with the money, or for anyone else.

嗨, Colt, 你没有注意,我是指对钱的贪念会毁灭生活带来痛苦。钱是必之要之恶。但有些人痴迷于钱,完全依赖于钱,他们的首要任务就是累积尽可能多的钱,爱钱剩于爱生活。用钱定义他们对快乐的追求。无论对于有钱人还是任何人,钱并买不到持久的、内心的幸福。


I wonder how theireconomy will handle ahousing collapse. Greed will destroy just like it doeshere.


DScully DH

You need to actually bewondering how oureconomy will handle their collapse. That’s the bigger issue.


TheSanity Inspector

People in the West tendto think theChinese are taking over the world; the reality is young people herestruggle tomake ends meet.

With a population ofmore than a billion,can’t both be true?


RodneyBurton TheSanityInspector

“one singleunemployed man is anannoyance; 100 million are a war.”-Orson Scott Card


mysterymeat TMur

i think that somehowsitting on the emptyreal estate must be cost neutral



Hey, that sounds likeHonoluluor New York.



There’s no need to live inthe center of Shanghai, anyways. Pricesare much more reasonable for apartmentsthe further out you get. Furthermore,$100/mo. goes quite a bit farther than itwould in the United States.



ut he says that hehunted in the suburbs,and purchased a unit that’s a 2 hour commute to his job



Having recently spent anhour and fifteenminutes in a taxi trying to get from my hotel to Hongqiaoairportat noon on a Friday, which Google Maps estimated to be a half hourdrive,I’m notthat impressed by a 2 hour commute. You’re still wellwithin Shanghai. Compare that tofactory workers in Changzhou,which is about atwo hour drive outside of the city, and I bet thehousing prices are far morereasonable.



are there jobs for journaliststhere? andreally, an occasion cab ride to the airport can’t reasonably becompared to 4hours a day on a train.

i’m not necessarilydisagreeing with you,obviously you have real life experience that i don’t… but in reading yourcomments in this thread,i can’t help wondering if you’vetaken everything intoconsideration. maybe your wife’semployer is getting a “deal” ontheapartment you’re living in, for example. i oncelived in a condo in downtown chicago that my employerrented well under marketvalue because the building was owned by a sistercompany. i can’t know, but i suspect there are a lot of “specialarrangements” made within the wealthy business class.


China isweird that ithas simultaneously adopted capitalist consumerism with communistmassivemismanagement of resources and assets.



State Capitalism isreally what the countryhas adopted.



Their government issignificantly morewealthy on a personal level than ours even. It’s a classic case offunnelingthe wealth of an entire country to the hands of the political elite,only on amuch grander scale than usual.












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