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中国金属锻錾工艺历史悠久,起源于夏朝,历经各个朝代,不断完善制作技术,并应用于金银器、素铜器、建筑构件及装饰、 民族用品、雕塑、浮雕壁画等方面。



The forging& chiseling technology of the metal crafts product 

There was very long history for metal forging& chiseling technology in China. It originated from Xia Dynasty. Through many dynasties, it continuously consummate the production technology and also was applied to gold & silver ware, straight bronze ware, architecture component, and decoration, ethnic articles, sculpture, basso-relievo and fresco, etc. 

The main material of metal forging& chiseling technology is to adopt gold, silver, bronze and all kinds of jewellery, etc. the production is totally to adopt manually forging and chiseling. It combines many techniques such as basso- relievo, standing sculpture, engraving, chiseling, etc to represent, making the works lively in sculpt, accomplished in the work, looking magni cent.
Metal forging& chiseling technique is one important category of the metal technique, and also one of the best technologies of the traditional industrial arts in Beijing region. In the early of People’s Republic of China, by joint state-private ownership of every handwork workshop, it specially established the enterprise specializing in metal artwork, ethical articles for use and the daily commodity and promoted  the production and development of Metal forging& chiseling technology into the new phase. Beijing Municipal Metal Craftwork Factory was established 

inheriting the special technique of the metal forging& chiseling. The Craftwork is reputable for its masterly production and very magnificence. Beijing handwork metal forging& chiseling technique went down to date  through four generations. in 1862, it is a hundred years enterprise engaged in design, production and selling of the metal craftwork, inheriting the special technique of the metal forging& chiseling. The Craftwork is reputable for its masterly production and very magnificence. Beijing handwork  metal forging& chiseling technique went down to date through four generations. 

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