
国际行 . 艺讯 | 回收木料刻画日新月异的城市景观

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Abstract Cityscapes Made of 

Reclaimed Wood Symbolize 

an Ever-Changing Urban Landscape

美国费城艺术家詹姆斯·麦克纳布(James McNabb)通过他的雕塑艺术来捕捉城市建筑的精髓。通常,他的抽象设计大都在大圆圈中,以其它细长元素组成的几何形状盖起狭窄的摩天大楼。

Philadelphia-based artist James McNabb captures the essence of urban architecture through his sculptural wood art. Often, his abstract designs take the form of large circles and other geometric shapes that are composed of many elongated elements resembling narrow skyscrapers. 


The collections of buildings are fused together and collectively point towards empty centers. Devoid of backgrounds, there are secondary images formed by these negative spaces that feels similar to the Rubin’s Vase optical illusion.



McNabb designs his small architectural features to resemble any city. Rather that look like New York or Tokyo, he uses the structures a symbols to represent the “sociological concepts” concerning these types of locales—particularly “their beauty, uniqueness, and over-development.” By using these broad emblems, McNabb is challenging us to imbue the work with our own meaning and feelings about urban landscapes.



We have admired McNabb’s carved wood art for years, especially his technique of “sketching with a band saw” that reveals stunning intricate details on the hard surface. This striking and unique approach has only garnered him more attention since; McNabb is currently gearing up for his first international solo exhibition. 

此次展览名为“结构”,于2017年9月2日至9月24日在巴黎玛格达·唐妮丝画廊(Magda Danysz Gallery)展出他最近的雕塑作品。在当地有兴趣的朋友不妨去欣赏一下!

Called Structure, it will feature his most recent sculptures at the Magda Danysz Gallery in Paris. If you’re local, check out the show from September 2 to September 24, 2017.


艺术家詹姆斯·麦克纳布(James McNabb)利用其专业知识、使用回收木材进行创作,雕刻出展示世界城市精髓的木雕艺术。

Using reclaimed wood and an expert knowledge of the construction, artist James McNabb creates carved wood art that's inspired by the essence of cities around the world.


Check out McNabb's work in progress—including a peek into his studio.




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